Consumers panel

Consumers panel 2019-06-10T18:42:51+02:00

The success in the Food Industry happens to anticipate the decisions of consumers

Five senses to listen to the consumer!
Knowing if your product is liked by who buy it from will only guide you to success.

Our experience at your service, discover how your Costumer perceives the product you are selling.

Sensory analysis with consumers, the perfect tool to optimize your product, compare it with the competition or know if the idea of that innovative product will find a good reception in the market.

Our facilities are cutting-edge: far beyond the requirements of ISO-8589, air-conditioned, with humidity control, with positive pressure to avoid foreign odors, with individual cabins and equipped with the latest data processing technologies. Our tasting panels with consumers are accredited by ENAC under the ISO-17025 standard.

  • We are unique in consumer panels for:
  • Our technical reliability.
  • Our orientation to innovation.
  • Our multiplatform data capture environment.
  • Our powerful algorithm.
  • Our ability to react.
  • Our tight delivery times.

We have been working for years with the Distribution and Manufacturers to help them optimize and position their products in the market, at a reasonable cost and with full technical guarantee.

Rate your needs with us here


Conecta con nosotros

Ambical Proyectos

C/Newton nº 31 1º y 2º planta (Pg. A Grela) 15008 A Coruña

Phone: 981 135660