Two new decisions for IFS Food 6 standard

Following the last IFS International Technical Committee meeting, composed with different experts from retailers, manufacturers, food services and certification bodies, IFS has made 2 new decisions, which came into force the 1st July 2013.

Certification bodies have already been informed about these 2 new decisions and apply them accordingly since 1st July. Updated IFS “normative” documents will be updated in October, including these two new decisions. Be sure we will keep you informed if you follow this blog.

1. decision: Postponing of issuing Major NC’s on food defense chapter
As food defense requirements are not yet fully implemented by food processing companies, it has been decided to extend to one more year, to 1st July 2014, the decision not to score any Major non-conformities on the food defense chapter (chapter 6 of IFS Food 6 audit checklist). This additional year should allow companies to implement properly the food defense requirements. In AMBICAL we have wide experience implementing IFS food defense requirements.

2. decision: Exclusion of trade products from IFS Food audit scope 
Cancellation of the possibility to include trade products in the scope of an IFS Food audit.As the management of trade products in the scope of IFS Food is complex and since the combination of pre-requisites for including them in the audit scope is demanding, it has been decided to exclude completely trade products from the scope of an IFS Food audit. Trade products, which are manufactured, packed and labeled by and under a different company name than the company being IFS Food certified, shall be excluded from the scope of the IFS Food audit. If a food processing company would like to certify trade products, a combined audit IFS Broker/ IFS Food shall be performed.

We have many IFS certified Clients and expert auditors, so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need further information.


2018-01-27T18:51:34+02:00 © AMBICAL, todos los derechos reservados. 12 julio 2013|

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